Property ownership reimagined.
Co.Develop is an alternative property development model, cutting out the developer and passing the profits on to the members of an investment syndicate.
Having been a successful development model for decades across Europe, the Co.Develop founders created a local framework that would allow Australians to share in the benefits of group property development – with a fundamental belief in the importance of architectural design, sustainability and financial prudence.
Most property development falls into either cheap investor-focused product or more expensive design-led owner occupier product. Co.Develop bridge the gap, delivering quality design and build, at cost.
Working with Letterform we created a copy-led solution utilising two contrasting typefaces to reflect how Co.Develop address both sides of the equation – a high-quality, sustainable home, built to deliver a strong financial return. Being a truly positive investment, there are myriad benefits to the Co.Develop approach which we brought to life through an animated version of the logo.
We created a website which captures the essence of the company and clearly explains the offer. Ensuring the Co.Develop process is easy to understand was of utmost importance. We broke it down into 5 simple steps and brought this to life through graphic animation.
At an initial glance, many of the qualities of a Co.Development such as high performing materials and sustainable considerations are hard to recognise. These were labelled ‘Smart Inclusions’ and highlighted in project case studies. Photography by Tess Kelly captures these design considerations and the larger architectural design.
With financial transparency fundamental to the model – we encouraged publishing of facts and figures for each project. Testimonials give potential participants peace of mind.
Client   Co.Develop
Photography   Tess Kelly
Copywriting  Letterform